Kim på bana

Tonight it's premiere for the Swedish Elite league.

After a quite week, with only two practices on Kims swedish hometracks, this week is going to be completely opposite.

Tonight it's premiere for the Swedish Elite league. 

For Kim, and his teammates in Masarna, an away meeting in Esklistuna against Smederna.

Tomorrow homemeeting Lakeside Hammers vs Belle Vue Aces.

Note: Live on Sky sports 2 at 7.30 pm!

On Thursday it's time for an away meeting at Swindon. Swindon Robins vs Lakeside Hammers.

And finally, on Saturday 7 May: FIM Speedway Grand Prix World Championship
Qualifying round in Terenzano, Italy.

Busy week indeed! We wish Kim the best of luck!

Photo with kind permission from Steve Hone


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